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Bowling Green Ohio Kiwanis
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BG Kiwanis

C.H.A.D. (Children Have An iDentity)

A project in connection with the Kiwanis International and Kiwanis Ohio Division carried out by the Bowling Green Kiwanis Club. C.H.A.D. badges are identification badges put on car seats and booster seats for children. The badges help police, rescue workers, and hospital staff learn important information about a child in an emergency if there is no adult able to supply the necessary information. Since children must be in car seats or boosters until they are 4 feet 9 inches or 80 pounds, these badges prove to provide valuable information in uncertain and scary emergency situations for children.


·         Please fill out the form in the badge clearly and in blue or black ink.  A second form is provided in the event that the information changes or that a different child is in the seat.

·         C.H.A.D. badges should be placed on a child’s car seat or booster seat where rescuers can easily find them, but where juice and other liquids cannot smear them.  The badges should NOT be in a position to be easily read by the casual passerby. 

·         After affixing the badge, please remove extra string so it does not cause harm to the child or remove the string all together and tape the badge to the seat.

Helpful Information - Car Seat Safety

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration      http://www.nhtsa.gov/Safety/CPS

Recommendations For All Ages:

Select a car seat based on your child's age, height, and weight.

·         Keep your child in the car seat for as long as possible, as long as your child fits the seat's height and weight requirements.

·         All children under 13 should ride in the back seat.

Ohio Law (as of April 2011) states that children:

·         under the age of 4 or less than 40 pounds are required to be in a child safety seat

·         ages 4 – 7 and less than 4 feet 9 inches tall are required to be in a booster seat

·         ages 8 – 14 are permissible to wear adult safety belts

Did you know?  

Car Seat Inspection Station Near You

Wood County Hospital
950 West Wooster Street - Bowling Green, OH 43402
Counties Served: Wood
Hours: Call to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 419-354-8932  
Contact: Obstetric Department

This project is sponsored by the Bowling Green Kiwanis Club, Young Child Priority One Committee. The Bowling Green Kiwanis Club is made up of 111 community members that have come together to serve the Kiwanis International mission to “serve the children of the world.” To learn more about Kiwanis or attend a local member meeting visit www.kiwanisbg.org.

If you need more badges the can be printed here.